Beyond BA is all about tailor-made trips, providing authentic experiences and offering truly expert advice. Our aim is to help you experience the local culture. We offer you amazing travel ideas, top destinations and experiences in Argentina & Chile.
1. Tax refund on Hotels
Since 2017, Argentina’s government has approved a new regulation which aims to boost the number of visitors from abroad: all the foreigners will qualify for the refund of the local tax “IVA”(or globally known as VAT). It applies only for the accommodation, and even though it has a few restrictions, it will be processed automatically at the moment of doing your reservation. It means that generally always you will see this discount from the first quote that you get.
2. Buenos Aires has been named Gastronomic Capital
The authorities of the tourist board, together with the Gastronomical associations of Ibero America, announced that Buenos Aires has been designated “Ibero-American capital of Gastronomic Culture 2017″, in recognition of its importance as a culinary center. This recognition has triggered a lot of actions that pushed Buenos Aires forward to a whole new world of gastronomic options, available nowadays in the city and its surroundings.
Buenos Aires has been always associated to “parrillas” (barbecue grill restaurants), steaks, pizza and pasta; but since the last years, this concept has been changing: a mix of international influences its gaining place, such as Armenian, Taiwanese or Peruvian cuisines.
A large number of gastronomic events accompany this success, such as the BA Food Week, the Buenos Aires Market, or La Marché (French food festival).
If you are a wine lover: don´t miss out the BEST MALBEC ever!
3. World Friendly
We definitively love receiving guests. From abroad, from our neighborhood, from our jobs, from anywhere! Friends, family, relatives, or just new folks: the young and the old, the tall and the short, religious or not, whoever wants to come and visit, will have a seat at our table.
4. Gate to Antarctica and perfect match for a combined trip to Chile
Hundreds of visitors take advantage of the seasonal departures to Antarctica, either from Ushuaia (Argentina), or Punta Arenas (Chile). This opens up a world of possibilities to combine both Chilean and Argentinean Patagonia – including also Cruise Ships between the Fiords – making your trip to the Southernmost tip of the world an unforgettable experience.
5. The Everlasting Reasons
Last but not least, it´s important to remark that always is a great time to visit Argentina: the Perito Moreno Glacier in Calafate, the stunning trekking paths in El Chalten, the remote End of The World in Ushuaia & Tierra del Fuego, the Penguins and Whales of Peninsula Valdes, the lakes of Bariloche, the spectacular drives in Ruta 40, the romantic vineyards of Mendoza and its impressive peaks such as Aconcagua, the colorful mountains of Salta and the Northwest (check some of the best things you can do in the Northwest of Argentina), the Iguazu Falls –wander of the World, the giant guinea pigs of Ibera Wetlands, the steaks, passion, and culture of Buenos Aires… are just some of the reasons to come!
Beyond BA LATAM offers tours and experiences for all these alternatives. We invite you to get in touch in order to start planning your next beautiful journey to Argentina!